19d 19h 20m

Pool uptime

45 seconds

Last update









eu.vkbit.com:3666 -u your_btc_address.worker_name -p x
eu.vkbit.com:4666 for high difficulty, compatible with mining rentals like nicehash or miningrigrentals
VK supports both IPv4: eu4.vkbit.com and IPv6: eu6.vkbit.com using the above ports.

1% pool fee - instant payout to your address (payout list)
fee goes to bc1qjj3zaj5p6r94m4yzrs239npskuc48kkwrgttrl
No logins, withdrawals, passwords, or pool hacks - anonymous mining directly to your own address!

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795 TH/s

Hashrate 1m

698 TH/s

Hashrate 5m

676 TH/s

Hashrate 15m

695 TH/s

Hashrate 1h

706 TH/s

Hashrate 6h

701 TH/s

Hashrate 1d

344786657902 344.79 B

Shares accepted

14348872769 14.35 B

Shares rejected


Rejection Ratio



3.14 3.14396012

BTC Reward


SPS 1m


SPS 5m


SPS 15m


SPS 1h

813.41 EH/s

Network Hashrate

114.17 T

Network Difficulty


Last Block


Total Reward


Total Fee


Total Transactions

Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block

Difficulty Top 20 +(Top 1000)

116238.39 B617 TH/s190.25 B15aQ7o...ETuESKk
21215.01 B3.52 TH/s118.34 Bbc1qe7...ln87w6u
3161.96 B4.52 TH/s6.09 B183y4C...JH1rVgB
434.97 B7.71 TH/s2.92 Bbc1q8r...2ce20dk
513.49 B3.58 TH/s955.38 M3Gfbz9...VfteNAm
623.37 B4.65 TH/s934.68 Mbc1qs8...2qgq5lm
742.66 B16.5 TH/s5.39 Bbc1q9p...faqn549
822.12 B1.33 TH/s315.19 Mbc1qz5...h9k2huz
921.80 B824 GH/s149.70 M3MJzF1...bBGGVso
1011.59 B395 GH/s96.43 Mbc1qdm...unhugrr


1111.53 B965 GH/s219.55 M3A1pgh...3y87ZoM
1211.11 B1.09 TH/s641.34 Mbc1qgk...8v9jfsx
131911.54 M981 GH/s310.64 Mbc1qvx...gjhtrp8
140858.38 MNot active529.49 Mbc1qc7...r56684k
151732.50 M751 GH/s231.02 Mbc1qcx...25rysm7
161731.63 M1.16 TH/s342.32 Mbc1qj4...85ghz75
171706.60 M1.28 TH/s536.26 Mbc1q6u...wv50sgm
180636.10 MNot active367.70 M3NSqd3...cr5H5pG
195525.66 M1.21 TH/s276.51 Mbc1qr7...6pqykr3
201443.57 M1.13 TH/s316.93 M3AfSfv...YQ9bVCq

Hashrate Top 20 +(Top 1000)

116617 TH/s238.39 B190.25 B15aQ7o...ETuESKk
2416.5 TH/s2.66 B5.39 Bbc1q9p...faqn549
337.71 TH/s4.97 B2.92 Bbc1q8r...2ce20dk
424.65 TH/s3.37 B934.68 Mbc1qs8...2qgq5lm
514.52 TH/s61.96 B6.09 B183y4C...JH1rVgB
613.58 TH/s3.49 B955.38 M3Gfbz9...VfteNAm
713.52 TH/s215.01 B118.34 Bbc1qe7...ln87w6u
812.86 TH/s38.74 M22.69 Mbc1qvt...vw44zku
931.89 TH/s104.13 M74.91 Mbc1qyg...fz9lzyd
1021.33 TH/s2.12 B315.19 Mbc1qz5...h9k2huz


1111.28 TH/s706.60 M536.26 Mbc1q6u...wv50sgm
1211.26 TH/s231.31 M159.43 M1CnAJu...mqDUyad
1311.26 TH/s64.16 M86.54 Mbc1qfr...ez2pz3p
1421.24 TH/s422.85 M107.83 Mbc1q2u...d2yan6g
1511.21 TH/s66.58 M173.23 Mbc1qtd...fgdz9px
1651.21 TH/s525.66 M276.51 Mbc1qr7...6pqykr3
1711.16 TH/s731.63 M342.32 Mbc1qj4...85ghz75
1811.13 TH/s443.57 M316.93 M3AfSfv...YQ9bVCq
1921.11 TH/s73.70 M247.71 Mbc1qmf...fkwds3d
2011.09 TH/s1.11 B641.34 Mbc1qgk...8v9jfsx

What Does SPLNS Mean?

SPLNS stands for Score Per Last N Shares. The term "Score" refers to the fact that share value is weighted by the difficulty of the shares found. "Last N Shares" means that the score is a rolling score based on N shares, where N equals 5 times the current difficulty.

The rolling average is weighted according to when the shares were found - the more recent the shares, the more they are worth.

Hop-Proof System

The system is designed to be hop-proof, meaning it cannot be exploited by hopping on and off during periods of lucky blocks. The SPLNS calculation is performed dynamically and updated every minute based on a combination of HERP and DERP.

  • HERP (Hash Extracted Rate Product): Calculated as sqrt(MIN(share difficulty, network difficulty) / work difficulty) * work difficulty / 2, determining the value of each share.
  • DERP (Difficulty Extrapolated Reward Payment): The reward is determined as the user's HERP divided by the pool's HERP, representing the expected reward if a block were found at that moment.

The pool's HERP accumulates until it reaches 5 times the network difficulty. After that, it is adjusted every minute by scaling down the existing HERP to include the latest HERP value for that minute. All users' HERP values are adjusted proportionally.


There will always be 50 payouts allocated to the top miners. To qualify for the payout list, you must increase your HERP/DERP score to surpass the miner ranked 50th.
If anyone in our BTC SPLNS pool who is not in the top 50 finds a block, the pool will donate its 1% fee to the block finder.
After each block is found, everything resets to zero. Rewards are calculated until the next block is found.

Instant BTC Coinbase Payout

Block maturation requires 100 new blocks in the network (approximately 18 hours). For details, see the payout list.


Block Height

3.14396012 BTC

Block Reward

0.03143987 BTC

Pool Fee



Next block payout list updated @ 2025-02-12 02:06:35

#AddressSharesBest ShareLuckHerpDerpPayout Amount
115aQ7o...TuESKk190.26 B238.39 B100.00%189814707046.531.726363851.71891517 BTC
2bc1qe7...n87w6u118.34 B215.01 B100.00%117960755136.641.07285251.06832629 BTC
3bc1qyt...pymk3p6.36 B6.90 B99.00%6316511571.55620.057448640.05720629 BTC
4183y4C...H1rVgB6.09 B61.96 B101.00%6133286129.5870.05578220.05554656 BTC
5bc1q9p...aqn5495.39 B2.66 B100.00%5371247341.35150.048851460.04864375 BTC
6bc1q8r...ce20dk2.92 B4.97 B100.00%2924351599.2190.026596960.02648381 BTC
7bc1qfu...t2ge9k2.41 B14.59 B100.00%2422135928.62810.022029310.02193638 BTC
81KiHLE...AsCATD1.50 B2.87 B99.00%1479518665.6120.013456210.01339944 BTC
9bc1qef...fg7lz71.12 B1.47 B100.00%1118802302.31470.01017550.01013257 BTC
103Gfbz9...fteNAm955.44 M3.49 B100.00%955296574.579830.008688410.00865142 BTC
11bc1qs8...qgq5lm934.75 M3.37 B100.00%934207771.360270.008496610.00846010 BTC
12bc1qgk...v9jfsx641.35 M1.11 B100.00%640661147.852030.005826810.00580218 BTC
13bc1q6u...v50sgm536.27 M706.60 M100.00%536511950.681290.004879570.00485884 BTC
14bc1qc7...56684k529.49 M858.38 M100.00%530505078.617960.004824940.00480458 BTC
153NSqd3...r5H5pG367.70 M636.10 M100.00%367907758.220160.003346110.00333200 BTC
16bc1qj4...5ghz75342.33 M731.63 M100.00%342268151.037750.003112920.00309969 BTC
171J4ssk...d2VAxj341.00 M218.43 M100.00%341042545.473030.003101780.00308854 BTC
18bc1quu...7xw7ek333.59 M99.86 M100.00%332583720.079210.003024840.00301199 BTC
193AfSfv...Q9bVCq316.95 M443.57 M100.00%318240143.781320.002894390.00288206 BTC
20bc1qz5...9k2huz315.21 M2.12 B100.00%315813539.138360.002872320.00286007 BTC
21bc1qvx...jhtrp8310.65 M911.54 M100.00%310691713.982460.002825730.00281371 BTC
22bc1qr7...pqykr3276.53 M525.66 M105.00%289688828.131420.002634710.00262342 BTC
23bc1qmf...kwds3d247.72 M73.70 M100.00%248184374.192970.002257230.00224755 BTC
24bc1qny...9w27yn242.14 M1.04 B100.00%242290599.047530.002203630.00219433 BTC
25bc1qcx...5rysm7231.03 M732.50 M100.00%230467530.011960.00209610.00208715 BTC
263A1pgh...y87ZoM219.56 M1.53 B100.00%219300060.007460.001994530.00198603 BTC
27bc1qcg...rcpu3a211.99 M219.55 M100.00%211371891.840780.001922420.00191431 BTC
28bc1ql2...t4lwql197.05 M146.89 M100.00%197283512.248740.001794290.00178672 BTC
29bc1qtd...gdz9px173.24 M66.58 M100.00%173378950.771640.001576880.00157010 BTC
301HdGnV...GS222x171.78 M84.21 M100.00%171718280.480160.001561770.00155518 BTC
31bc1q8n...zf78rd163.12 M387.10 M100.00%163322139.616520.001485410.00147904 BTC
32bc1qr0...xv3rey161.93 M352.35 M100.00%161809821.270590.001471650.00146534 BTC
331CnAJu...qDUyad159.45 M231.31 M100.00%158987830.482360.001445990.00143977 BTC
34bc1qe3...y3yw9y157.26 M109.21 M100.00%157076764.50780.001428610.00142258 BTC
35bc1qu0...e0k6u0160.34 M78.49 M96.00%154396649.247970.001404230.00139831 BTC
363MJzF1...BGGVso149.71 M1.80 B100.00%150225704.492460.00136630.00136042 BTC
37bc1qz0...f66sd2133.04 M7.67 B101.00%134244003.014850.001220940.00121579 BTC
38bc1q6e...9606rh134.18 M138.65 M100.00%134157787.551280.001220160.00121495 BTC
39bc1qp6...p3ar8s132.88 M191.73 M100.00%132989716.814920.001209540.00120443 BTC
40bc1q9h...yk62ja131.01 M98.75 M100.00%131652649.126950.001197380.00119220 BTC
413JxG9m...dW9CuE120.17 M245.69 M100.00%119944302.941340.001090890.00108629 BTC
42bc1q2u...2yan6g107.85 M422.85 M99.00%106986163.245770.000973030.00096880 BTC
43bc1qdm...nhugrr96.44 M1.59 B100.00%96586313.4648870.000878450.00087468 BTC
44bc1qj0...426wp094.13 M45.59 M99.00%93587442.9384740.000851170.00084740 BTC
45bc1qfr...z2pz3p86.55 M64.16 M100.00%86852150.8628590.000789910.00078649 BTC
46bc1qyg...z9lzyd74.93 M104.13 M99.00%74128982.5245290.00067420.00067114 BTC
47bc1qg3...08d5x956.69 M166.50 M101.00%57009133.6657880.000518490.00051631 BTC
48bc1qaf...pl9z8545.76 M44.16 M102.00%46678989.5298460.000424540.00042275 BTC
491DcMfj...XNsUyC40.71 M25.98 M100.00%40690301.7558170.000370070.00036851 BTC
50bc1qgs...6qztfh40.18 M181.92 M100.00%40282381.7093360.000366360.00036482 BTC